Tuesday, July 7, 2009

When the shit hits the fan, get the hell out of the ladies room!

I've realized two things about the female species 1. We take an undesired situation, manipulated it using the facts given (lets not even go into assumptions...), and fold, punch, kick, scream, beat it up until it (sort of) fits the mold we want the situation to resemble. 2. We over analyze everything. Even if we act like we aren't, our under analyzing actually results in over analyzing.

I would like to see myself as .. an exception of this? I've learned the importance of stopping. Looking at the situation. Think about what's going on. Choose the best possible option that will cause the least amount of negative affliction. Then going in that direction. 2. I am the 'under analyzer.' I speak mainly from experience with my reaction to the opposite sex.

I'm cool, I'm independent, I don't need a male companion in my life. This is only how I externally express myself. Inside, I'm just as bad as the over analyzer, in that, I over analyze about under analyzing. Is there something wrong with me that I don't care he hasn't messaged me in a few days? What if I DO like him and i just don't know it. Will I mess up my chances of a good thing? No, I dont care about it.. or do I just not care about it because everyone expects me to care about it and I need to continue to be this 'cool' person, so I will buy into that and I will continue to 'not care.' It all gets confusing, repetitious and excessive.

Above all the guy stuff, there is one thing that is my main priority, my skin. Its flared upi pretty bad, and I'm doing everything I can to help control it. I don't believe in a god, or a supreme being, but I do believe in Fate and Karma and things like that. I believe the flare up in my skin is.. not so much teaching me a lesson, but is giving me the opportunity to realize how important clear skin, as well as maintaining a proper diet and exercise, and heck just taking care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally is. Its SO important. Its all we have to maintain who we are! Lets put GOOD things into our body! Lets stop saying.. one more cookie.. cause lets face it, as long as there are still cookies in the jar.. it wont be your last. You need to stop, look at the situation and keep walking, past the cookies, past the cakes, cupcakes, processed meat, sugary granola, fat, butter, and go straight to those vegetables and fruits.

And now, it is very past my bedtime. I will write more tomorrow, during my very slow day.
