Monday, January 4, 2010

Dear Sir and/or Madam, It's been far too long...

The last time I wrote on this blog was the same day as my roommate's birthday. This was in the summer, it is no blistering cold (to a native New Yorker's standpoint). I will not bother write to you what has happened in the past six months of my life, as it is (more likely than not) none of your concern. I will, however, relieve you of your curiosity (you always have to know everything about strangers, don't you?) and tell you I have left my former place of employment, freelancing on websites, and living off of money I have saved for the past year (I never realized how long it took to make money and how quickly it took to melt out of your savings account). All in all, my happiness has increased instead of decrease, and without any form of justification, I hope and pray that 2010 will be a year of growth, sharing, and learning.